Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hypocrisy In Our Bloods!!

HYPOCRISY IN OUR BLOODS! – TOWARDS OUTSIDERS AND TO OUR CONSCIENCE Man, supposedly the chosen creature of God! A fact claimed again by himself. Such is the attitude of the CHOSEN ONE that he is self-praising and says that it was said so by God himself. As a young man coping with the shocks of realizing of what Life gives us (some nice, some painful) I have gravely realized how we as humans are the most hypocritical of all beings, in fact no creature shows such pretence as Man. We all lead a false life living under false pride. To start with the most basic of all examples, we get all kinds of silly and criminal ideas yet swear by the Holy books. When we see Ambani earning in Crores we wish we could get hold of such money by hook or by crook, yet we teach our children to be satisfied with what they have!! The basic reason why we do so is because of the element in our live called ‘Moh’ (desire). Every second, everywhere, we put on a mask of hypocrisy. It’s been the case from the time of our existence and will be so till we are extinct. Somebody tell me a person whose intentions are actually the way it appears from outside. We go to a temple in the pretext of practicing ‘Bhakti’ and what do we do there? We are conscious of the way we look, of being one among the so called religious people, of thinking that all problems will now be solved. We of think God in the same terms as a Govt. official, bribe him with a few coconuts; offer him huge amounts of money (a la Amitabh) and lo all your problems simply vanish! Do people take Him to be as materialistic as we are? We advice our children to be obedient, disciplined and what not, knowing the fact that the there is no such thing as the ‘Perfect Man’ (sue the Raymond’s people for spreading disinformation!) Look at our leaders, they speak volumes about poverty and in turn ride BMWs, live in castles guarded like Fortresses! Talk about setting examples and our leaders come first. We as civilized people have no rights to criticize people (if we are civilized that is, the term is again a product of hypocrisy!). Look at yourself (not literally) and ask the question: Do I deserve to pass comments on someone? As an individual I have realized firmly that there ought to be no such term called Selfishness, as I believe that once we have come in to the world as humans we all have this trait. Ever noticed small kids? They tend to keep their things to themselves & never show the slightest intention to be Angels unless noticed and taught them to be so by their elders. We all have it in our blood. Why do we keep friends? To achieve some happiness in his/her company, in turn our friend expects the same from us. In all, both of us crave for something that we don’t have!! And all that talk about some relations being unselfish in itself is Rubbish! Just like we cry when we are emotional, we laugh when we are happy, selfishness is a trait. One cannot remove moonlight from the moon, moonlight can only be hidden by clouds that too only momentarily. We can only be Hypocrites if we say we are not selfish, which we actually are and so there is nothing wrong if somebody pretends to be good (if somebody is a hypocrite). It’s a trait, just like selfishness!! All of you spare a moment thinking when was the time when you did something without any thoughts of keeping yourself happy?! When someone says that he does social service to see the needy happy and that he does not expect anything monetarily, people call him an Unselfish man. Fair enough, materially he may not be selfish but the desire to gain a satisfaction, happiness from others is nothing but selfishness. We all have a craving for happiness also called ‘Anand’’ , but does this Anand last long?? When we say that settling in a life with a Home, a nice Honda, with nice kids is ENOUGH; we are the biggest liars, because no amount of anything is sufficient for us!! Our ultimate aim becomes a Mercedes from a Honda!! That’s how it is for every one of us not realizing that this material happiness will get us nowhere and such happiness is forever declining with time.


Ranjani Ravi said...

I have become an avid fan of your powerful words.
A very sensitive subject rightly broached.In short,a pukka article!